Tag Archives: Qualified


Maybe the shortest post in the world.

I’m off out in a second, but before then…I went to the parachute club this morning, hoping the wind would stay down to do a practice then hopefully a registered qualifying jump.

Got on the second lift, kitted up nervously, but thought it didn’t matter if it went wrong as it was only a practice. So I did a nice dive exit, stabilised, turned right 360, left 360, checked altitude, backlooped (went slightly sideways, but it was fine), checked altitude again, waved off, turned 180, tracked for 3 seconds, stabilised, checked altitude and had loads. Since it was a practice, I had 4000ft. left to play in, so turned again, tracked a bit, stabilised, waved off and pulled at 4000ft. Nice landing, everything.

Back at the sheds, I was well happy, put my name up for a proper go, started packing, got called over by Jane, ran through the jump, she confirmed all i’d said (she was observing through the biggest binoculars known to man) and wrote in my book that that was that…QJ over, all splendid.

Then the wind got up, a student was taken off the next lift, I took his place and thus completed my first jump as a licensed skydiver. A-license, done. Bring on the next stage! Right, time to go.