Tag Archives: Symbiosis Suits

Wow! A run!

Yep, it’s only 7 days since the last one and again i’m running. Wonders of this summer may never cease-well, i’m hoping not in as much as it might actually develop into one!

The first aid refresher finished well enough in that a) I passed and b) it was early enough to buy food for the week, get home for a run, eat, clean the car (ran out of time to wash it after hoovering and a chat with the neighbour last night), rebuild the bike and blog. Only I got home to a message from the jumpsuit maker to say my skydiving suit is available. Hang on! Wow. So, I jumped back in the car and went to get it. And how fine it is, all blue, black, silver and maroon with Symbiosis Suits’ logo on the left leg, it almost looks respectable for my own design! Then I wasted 5 minutes posing in the mirror in it, before realising my master plan had slipped by half an hour.

So the run went ok. I was slow, it was warm and windy and I didn’t eat very well at lunchtime what with no appetite from sitting around for two days blowing up dolls and that. Only a pair of farmers ploughing their fields broke the mental rhythm of painful calves so no records were broken but it’s all good.

As is the 11.5mm rain overnight. 5.4 miles run. 190 cars. And a need to rush to cook, eat and the rest now. So i’m off. An evening with my favourite girl in the world will pause the exercise tomorrow, i’ll be back on Thursday with upper body stuff, a curry on Friday will undo all that before hopeful skydiving and a visit to the best girl ever and her metal loving mate on Saturday will round off the week.

It’s all good.