Tag Archives: Japanese torture

All good intentions…

So having promised to do a decent run today, i’ve let myself down.

I got up at a reasonable time, washed the masonry down again (call me paranoid about mould, algae etc.growth in the two weeks since I did it but I want the paint to stick), bought a paper and got to work painting. And finished about 3.30.

After washing out the brushes, the bike needed abusing so I headed off for a scratch. Got hooted by a tart in a people carrier. I presume she was worried my overtaking her was a danger to her. It was only about 3/4 miles to a junction and I was going to stay behind but since she swerved out of one corner nearly into the nearside verge then slowed radically on the ensuing straight, I thought I was better off being in front. Then as I went past, saw she was on the phone. Then heard her horn. Hope her kids are aware of the great example their mother is showing – guess they’ll not have heard of how Cozy Powell died. Must be proof i’m getting old though. Previously i’d have got annoyed; today I was just glad to be on my way. No real dramas after her. I was a bit tired, only got my right knee down once, just a pleasant, happy ride.

Shame the legs were sore to the point that unweighting myself to hang off was actually hurting. So having put the thing away, I had a drink and set off for a stunningly unremarkable 2.1 mile run, wishing with every pace it was only 1 mile total! Juneathon? Did the Japanese invent it about 66 years ago, by any chance?

Still, the lawn’s now cut ready for some rain tomorrow. Good luck to Jogblog in her race…hope she gets up in time for the official start. Sub 10 minute miles please!

2.1 miles. 1.5mm rain. 313 cars. When it goes under 200 i’ll  be inviting suggestions as to the final outcome, as well as explaining what it’s about. Honest. Continue reading