Tag Archives: tramps

After the dogs…

Hopeful (?) of more entertainment of a canine persuasion, I ventured to the Hastings seafront for another run after work, feeling again i’ll turn around when it becomes too much. I’m missing the hills though. I’ve a route that packs all the climbs of the Hastings 1/2 marathon into 6 and a bit miles which saves loads of time training and builds great strength and speed (take note, girls who need speed for pizza!) relatively easily. I’ll do it on Monday, promise!

Sadly, the seafront route was free of copulating canines. I did run under the prom for a bit, though, which reminded me what a state Hastings is in. So many empty tins of super strength lager, such a stench of piss. Nice. So, having found a set of steps, I carried on to the end of the main prom bit as yesterday, turned round and felt my right calf and laft shin twinge. Great. After i’d felt fresh enough to do the whole run, too. Still, i’m an athlete. More importantly, i’m an idiot. So I carried on, got maybe 1/2 a mile and had to ease up and stretch the shit out of my lower legs. Unfortunately, despite being an athlete and an idiot, i’m also impatient. So having been overtaken by two runners in about 15 seconds, I started off again. Not feeling fresh is no impediment to speed though, so I soon caught them both and needed to overtake. Well, what would you do?  I pegged it past. I think Runners World would term it fartlek or something ridiculous. Sorry but I call it sprinting until I can sprint no more. On knackered, weary legs. I eased down the pace and recovered my way past the pier then joyously bounded over some street furniture in a Parkour manner (probably looking like a fool, but I can’t see myself so who am I to care?) and pegged it back to the site office.

A weary, tight legged wreck. It’s too hot for Juneathon. Can we change it to Januaryathon? But I feel good. And after a proper stretch, the legs may survive another day. Or 26…

1.5mm rain. 4.2 miles in 32 minutes dead (with a stretch stop? Go on!) 378 cars (It’s a long story, i’ll explain it soon. Sophia knows and it took weeks to explain why)