Tag Archives: Rainfall

Like the shrunken testicles of an ageing morris dancer

I’ve been feeling a mounting panic and pressure at work, probably for not much reason, but then these things rarely are in my experience. Even if they are, the greater scheme of things probably won’t be altered by my activities and it’s this in the back of my mind that helps keep things pleasant. But challenging a visiting superior to the site to sack me for not following company policy on a couple of issues, while providing me personally with merry amusement, may not have been too effective in my “how to keep your head below the parapet” job security policy. I’ll wait for his report to assess the shrapnel damage.

I spent the afternoon considering my cucumbers and the sheep in the field behind my house. They’ve had their summer haircut and look ridiculous, all goggle eyed and skinny, but then they possibly think the same of me so  I won’t tell them…there’s 22 of them to throw abuse back, after all. When not thinking of this or the run, the time flew and the seafront beckoned. Along with the rain starting just as I left the office. I thought it might be nice to get wet from the outside for a change, but it stopped after about a mile so I was left pondering my leg pain. Which is a bit harsh, so a short run may be tomorrow’s recipe. Still, I had a shock at about 2.5 (I’ll go decimal to avoid 1/2 mile confusion from now on…anything to help!) miles in…

I’ve never seen anything so hideous as the bloke running toward me, all vest and short, short shorts with HIS BOLLOCKS HANGING OUT OF HIS LEFT LEG.

Yep, two knackers. His cods on display. A pair of swinging plums. Thank god I couldn’t see his emaciated spam javelin; instead of nearly crying in horror and laughter, i’d probably have chundered over him if I had, but wow! I new my eyes hated me before, but this was new depths. Fashion police? Surely just the police would do!

Suffice to say, the run back to the office seemed to pass in a flash…

Then in the car, taking the slow route through Silverhill, I spotted the most orange legs of my career…really dayglow to half way up the calves, then tango to the skirt line.

Hastings, you did me proud today.

Oh, and 12mm rain. 4.2 Juneathon miles. 346 cars.

After the dogs…

Hopeful (?) of more entertainment of a canine persuasion, I ventured to the Hastings seafront for another run after work, feeling again i’ll turn around when it becomes too much. I’m missing the hills though. I’ve a route that packs all the climbs of the Hastings 1/2 marathon into 6 and a bit miles which saves loads of time training and builds great strength and speed (take note, girls who need speed for pizza!) relatively easily. I’ll do it on Monday, promise!

Sadly, the seafront route was free of copulating canines. I did run under the prom for a bit, though, which reminded me what a state Hastings is in. So many empty tins of super strength lager, such a stench of piss. Nice. So, having found a set of steps, I carried on to the end of the main prom bit as yesterday, turned round and felt my right calf and laft shin twinge. Great. After i’d felt fresh enough to do the whole run, too. Still, i’m an athlete. More importantly, i’m an idiot. So I carried on, got maybe 1/2 a mile and had to ease up and stretch the shit out of my lower legs. Unfortunately, despite being an athlete and an idiot, i’m also impatient. So having been overtaken by two runners in about 15 seconds, I started off again. Not feeling fresh is no impediment to speed though, so I soon caught them both and needed to overtake. Well, what would you do?  I pegged it past. I think Runners World would term it fartlek or something ridiculous. Sorry but I call it sprinting until I can sprint no more. On knackered, weary legs. I eased down the pace and recovered my way past the pier then joyously bounded over some street furniture in a Parkour manner (probably looking like a fool, but I can’t see myself so who am I to care?) and pegged it back to the site office.

A weary, tight legged wreck. It’s too hot for Juneathon. Can we change it to Januaryathon? But I feel good. And after a proper stretch, the legs may survive another day. Or 26…

1.5mm rain. 4.2 miles in 32 minutes dead (with a stretch stop? Go on!) 378 cars (It’s a long story, i’ll explain it soon. Sophia knows and it took weeks to explain why)

Is it really only Tuesday?

Tiredness seems to have been the key feature of today.

Whether sorting flashings, fiddling with the reception desk, setting out cladding or coordinating scaffold, a yawn was never far away. Must get to the bottom of my current sleep hassles. Like spend more time in bed, I reckon! Any volunteers for company?

Still, Hastings is a good place to work for weary Juneathoners. The end of the day loomed, I ate my banana and set off for an easy seafront run. Promising i’d turn around when I fancied, I got to 11/2 miles and thought i’d finish the job and not turn back until just over 2, the end of the prom proper. And I was rewarded almost immediately by a mongrel, almost certainly a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel cross Colly by the looks of it, being rigorously humped by a more traditional Jack Russell. It was hilarious. I love to see a small dog punching above its’ weight. And this certainly was. What the offspring might be, I’m loathe to think. But it spurred me on and with a chuckle, I turned, cursed two rollerbladers for stealing my oxygen and went home.

4.2 miles, just over 30 minutes (forgot to look at the watch before I left but I wasn’t out for a fast run so hey!). A trace of rain (must have skirted the village all day). 380 cars.

Juneathon rolls on.

Juneathon Day 2

So, all else falls into obscurity in the face of Juneathon. The running kit was loaded into the car in preparation this morning but despite best intentions after the weekend on site, I still didn’t get out until quarter past five. And after forgetting my car park card this morning I had to follow the boys out or risk not going home, so a quick sprint it was to be. So it was a sprint up three hills out of Hastings, down two and a slope, through Warrior Square in St. Leonards, past a church up a hill, across to the seafront and back. Never done the route before, well not in that order, but I hit the prom for the return leg a fair bit after the 1/2 marathon 12 mile mark which is one and a bit to site, so all in about 3 and a bit miles (I’ll claim 3) in 22 minutes. I felt fresh, so the pace was quick and I did have to get out of the car park…

And hello to Joggerblogger (how do you notch up such mileage? I really haven’t the time or the ability to not hurt myself! But 90 sit-ups a night seems to ace your count on those at least!). And Warriorwoman. Been reading yours from Jogblogs’ links for a while; quite often if I didn’t go for a run after work, I wouldn’t relax for the evening. And Hastings (my site for the last 18 months) has fantastic hills for strength and speed as well as the flat seafront for lazier days, so the inspiration is too teasing.

So, Juneathon rolls on. 4.5mm rainfall today. 384 cars.



I’ve got gas!! After too long a day at work, I got home at about quarter to six to a note from the gas monkey that they’d been around to turn me on but I was out. So I phoned up and a babboon arrived within 10 minutes, tested for leaks (still none, didn’t think much of his manometer though…my naked flame method is much more daring…) and fired my supply back up. Oh deep joy.

I’d been quietly dreading the thought of a run. I’m drained after too much work, not enough quality rest (millions of dreams, waking regularly wondering if I should be at work) for two weeks plus it’s Sunday but feels like a Tuesday and whichever of these it is, that means upper body exercise.

Still, Juneathon waits for no man (or woman). And at least I could now look forward to a shower. So off I set. On my flat ish around the fields loop, I was pleased to be diverted by 3 hot air balloons, a field of 4 Jersey cows, another field of tens of Jerseys and then two horses with a pushbike. I felt oddly fresh after 3.5 miles. It’s far too muggy for me (i’m a winter runner) but i’ll settle for 27mins. 50secs. as it felt an easy pace. And it qualifies as a run, so i’ve not fallen at the first hurdle. Juneathon? Bring it on!

Just a trace of rain today, so I guess you’re right, Jogblog, I am a rainfall geek. Only been measuring for just over two years. But I do enjoy weather in general. Clouds aren’t quite a passion, but it’s close.

Ok, off to do the sit-up, press-up and weights thing now

Day 2?

After removing myself from bed at an hour concurrent with unlocking a building site 3/4 of an hour away at 7 o’clock, most of the day has been spent tired. Not that there’s anything unusual in unlocking the same site, I do it everyday after all, but i’d paced myself to have today off. I needed the lie in, even if it had only been an hour. So, as Tony was in, I set up the stonemasons, sorted the essential duties and left. I had a plane to catch, after all. And i’m in tomorrow. Poo.

Now, leaving when I did, I was cursing. The sun was up and no wind meant I was driving away from an ideal chance to get a jump in, hoping i’m only 4 jumps from my skydiving “A” license. As I drove home, the cloud had rolled in as forecast but I went to the club anyway, needing a track turns brief. I got this, plus my CH1 qualification. No jumps but the last 3 have shown good enough flying skills, today I passed the written test which means when i’ve passed the track turns dive, I can do a qualifying jump as soon as I feel ready. Smart, and hopefully about 3 jumps. I could quite easily get excited.

Which is better than still not having gas (9 days and counting…I hate baths made from boiling kettles).

Jogblog’s employment news is rubbish; even the RFL and the promise of free beer and pizza for a quick finish time didn’t seem to cheer her up much. Hopefully Juneathon starting tomorrow will help. I’ve been told cross training is accepted in lieu of a run to minimise injury worries…i’m going to confirm it with the authorities before I wimp out though. So a run a day starts tomorrow. Great…

Rainfall today: Nil

May rainfall total: 75mm (82mm May 2007, 90mm May 2006)