Not Slacking

Not me. Oh, no.

Just not making time for blogging, that’s all.

Wednesday’s run was put off until Thursday owing to tired legs but the run on Thursday was a pleasant enough 3 mile circuit around Boughton Monchelsea and the hills that entails. Then, Saturday was a frenzy of house viewing following an accepted offer on mine on Thursday which put the run off until Sunday.

But then the buyer wanted to visit to measure up, so Cathy called shopping duties for Sunday morning, visitors visited in the early afternoon and I went out for 6 miles around 3.30 ish. And if only the race went that well.

A slow start averaged to a reasonable mile 2 and 3, then between 3 and 4 things just picked up. At 4.5 miles I put the brakes on, not wanting to cause injury the week before the race, but the the last half mile before I did felt fantastic and the Garmin shows 7.18 pace, which was still growing and feeling easy. Simply don’t know where it came from. The average was 7.33 and the run felt easy, good and fun. Maybe it was the release from housing tensions.

Of course, reality today saw the house I like having stubborn owners (a management company who’ve terminated use of the property) who want £6000 more than i’m willing to pay but since it’s odd enough and different enough for me to really want it quite a lot, i’ll probably stretch tomorrow and find another £5000 and see where that gets me. Hopefully a low ceilinged dump with half an acre. Possibly a liability that eats money and I can’t sell if I want to in the future. Who knows.

One more run, then Royal Parks Half. Hope it goes like Sunday.

2 responses to “Not Slacking

  1. Sounds like your running prowess is returning! You will obviously run a brilliant race on Sunday as you know that there will be pizza once you finish!! What more incentive could you need (except perhaps Beer too?)

  2. Good luck on Sunday. looks like you will be flying

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