Daily Archives: June 1, 2014

Juneathon already?

Gordon Bennett, it only seems yesterday I was moaning about Janathon.
I’ve been happy in my exercising this year and have debated June and what it entails so hopefully I’ve got a plan.
Run a bit, cycle occasionally, throw some weights around the conservatory once in a while and above all enjoy the summer.
It’s the only one we’re going too get, after all.
Yesterday had me out on a 6 mile jog to round May out nicely so today, after a good day of dicking about on all sorts of things around the house, I plodded off up the Greensand Way to tap in 3 miles of easy, scenic off road enjoyment.
As a result, my legs feel fresher, I’m relaxed about the world and ready for a jog along the river in Rye tomorrow after work to keep the legs free.
Planning on throwing the weights about in a minute, too, so the year’s exercise target isn’t completely in tatters yet.
101, 61, 37.