Daily Archives: January 19, 2010


Tonight was the last Tuesday for 12 weeks that I got to do 3 miles, the rest of the plan being to up things to 4 and 5 milers.

Which should have been cause for happiness and celebration that I only needed to be out for around 24 minutes.

Unfortunately I have a blister that’s still raw on my right third toe (unidentified immediately after Saturday. I’ve never had a blister in the Asics before, so hope it’s either due to them being a) worn out (new pair ordered for delivery this week, hopefully) and b) the torrential rain and verge diversions leading to swelling and roughness. If not, i’m simply falling apart, I fear) to go with the pair of nipples that have just started to scab over. The discomfort as I creamed my nips and took off the trainer and sock to apply some of the same to my toe to try to ease the soreness wasn’t boding well for a happy run.

Still, as it turned out, things got better as I got underway – I did 1.5 miles downhill towards the town for a change then turned around and plodded back up, keeping my toe safe and easing myself back into running.

Knowing things won’t be healed for tomorrow’s 6 miles isn’t promising but i’ll cross that bridge when I arrive at it.